Monday, October 26, 2009

Rainy Mondays and Mowing Always Get Me Down

I hate people who bitch about the weather. You know who you are. But rain has been steadily falling for this entire month and it's even wearing me down (although I am loving these unseasonable autumn temperatures). See, the season here in DFW usually go something like this: July all lawns not watered for three hours a day turn from lovely green to yellow. August turns lawns brown and by October the trees are withering and the whole landscape is a hazy shade of dead. Because of this unseasonably wet weather I am going to have to get my lawn mower out of summer storage. See, my grass is waist high and my neighbors are starting to make threatening gestures when I get home from work. Rainy Mondays and mowing always get me down.


  1. Not commenting on the weather or mowing LOL We have major mowing issues here on Bonny Hill. But I just wanted to tell you...I LOVE that photo at the top of this page!!! Very nice!

  2. Okay...just realized it says "Bonny said" and don't know if it tells you that "Bonny" is Cindy B.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks Cindy. Sarah Jo took the picture from the roof of the Guggenheim Museum, Fifth Ave. Sarah Jo's Ma Angie Fedrick is a professional photographer in Western KY.
